quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2012

Belarus-Spain only in the RADIO ?

 The game between Belarus-Spain on Fridayfor the World Cup 2014 qualifying , will be the first ever official game of the Spanish team without the TV rights. Never such thing had happened.

No channel,  until now , acquired those rightseven seeing that i this is the current World Champion and twice champion of Europe. None of generalist channels showed interest in paying the amount requested by the company that sells the rights, German Sport Five.

The amount initially requested was 1.5 million, but, according to AS (spanish newspaper), the numbers have dropped to 1.1 million, while the Sport Five bought the rights to the Belarusian Federation for a million euros.

  Jogo da seleção espanhola está em risco de não ser transmitido (foto AP)



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